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How does Chiropractic work?

Chiropractic works by restoring your body's ability to heal itself. When under the proper control of your nervous system, all the cells, tissues, and organs of your body are designed to resist disease and ill health. Chiropractic treatment utilizes adjustments and other natural modalities to help restore normal movement and function to your spine so that your body can cope with daily stresses more efficiently. With improved spinal function, there is improved nervous system function. A healthy spine and a healthy lifestyle are your keys to optimal health!

Is Chiropractic safe?

Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. If you were to compare malpractice rates between chiropractors and other health care professionals you would find that chiropractic malpractice costs are a small fraction of a medical doctor. It is a conservative and natural approach to health that avoids invasive procedures and drugs. The risks associated with chiropractic are very small especially compared to risks associated with over the counter medications. Many patients feel immediate relief following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness or aching similar to  soreness after exercising. Current literature shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation usually disappears within 24 hours.

How often do I need to get chiropractic adjustments?

It can vary significantly from patient to patient.  At Affordable Chiropractic we always take each patient individually and make a recommendation accordingly.  Some patients need to be treated on an as needed basis while others need to be treated more frequently in order to keep them at optimal health.  When a patient is out of the acute injury phase they are able to tell when they need an adjustment. 





What conditions do Chiropractors treat?

Doctors of Chiropractic care for patients of all ages, with a variety of health conditions.  Chiropractors are especially well known for their expertise in caring for and treating patients with back pain, neck pain and headaches. They also care for patients with a wide range of injuries and disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system such as Fibromyalgia, ALS, and MS.  These painful conditions often involve or impact the nervous system, which can cause referred pain and dysfunction in an area away from the primary problem. The benefits of chiropractic care extend to general health issues because body structure affects overall function. When something is recognized by the doctor, they will refer the patient to an appropriate provider for that problem so that appropriate care is not delayed. Chiropractors also counsel patients on nutrition, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.



Frequently asked questions.

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